
Yes, you can...YOU DID!!!

Congratulations elected-President Barack Obama!!!

I'm happy with the results of today's presidential election- the world needs change, we need change. And this particular and historic moment will hopefully bring GOOD change to the United States and to the rest of the world, a present world were huge global problems are waiting to be solved.

I like to think this problems will soon be solved (or begin to truly be solved), and hopefully they will in creative, innovative and clever ways. That will be the start of new/better times.

The election of Barack Obama really sends out a strong message to me. Change is happening, change is possible, and that's a good thing, because change equals (at least to me) opportunities and hope.

--- I must also say that McCain's defeat speech was very classy.
timanfaya - 5. Nov, 02:25

during i heard the news on my way to work this morning i had a tear in my eye. 140 years after the end of slavery in the usa it's a very great social achievement for all of us. a historic moment for the hole planet.

but - i think there are still enough idiots who see this in another light. god save the king. and the secret service too ...

rocio - 5. Nov, 11:17

hi timanfaya!

i know...but still, as you said, this is a very important achievement and shouldn't be darkened by socially-immature people. there will always be idiots in the world, it can't be helped. but yesterday, the majority of the people in the US sent a strong message to the world, and i like to think it will be heard.

yo no sé nada

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