
YouTube Symphony Orchestra

The YouTube Symphony Orchestra is truly a fantastic idea:

"Traditionally, auditioning for an orchestra means appearing alone onstage in a nerve-jangling performance before grizzled veteran musicians. In the Google way, it means posting on the company’s video-sharing site, YouTube, for online judging by the professionals and then, ultimately, the YouTube universe."

-Daniel J. Wakin for New York Times (December 1st, 2008)

This special project proves not only that YouTube is evolving into a more serious video sharing website but, most importantly, that it is actually becoming a significant global tool for communicating and sharing relevant information and knowledge. Everything from political debates, authors@google, pledges and promoting of all sort of causes, films and documentaries...you can find there.

YouTube's content is quickly becoming of a better quality and substance, and I'm glad to see it being used for the amazing cause of music. This project, the YTSO (YouTube Symphony Orchestra), represents a wonderful opportunity for musicians all over the world, giving them a chance to make themselves noticed and the possibility of winning a spot in the YTSO Concert in Carnegie Hall in New York City in April. Being in this concert surely represents some high-quality networking and who knows what else- a career in the music business perhaps? Anyways, if I were a musician I'd say it's worth a shot.

Classical Music isn't as popular as it should be these days...I think it's enough to say that I know more about Britney Spears career than Tan Dun's. And I think I'm not being judgemental by saying the quality of both these styles and artist varies enormously...classical music needs to be revalued and appreciated- and I think this project is giving us all the chance to do so, making this gender of music more accessible and bringing it to a commonly visited website.

I invite all musicians to audition...this is a great opportunity!!! YTSO

P.S. There was an article about the YTSO in the New York Times today. To read it Click Here.

yo no sé nada

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rocio - 25. Feb, 11:28
Muchisimas gracias!
Hola animalamororum! Muchas gracias por tus comentarios...
rocio - 25. Feb, 11:28
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animalamororum - 25. Jan, 00:50


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