
Not funny: Chinese fur farms

I've never been pro-fur but I was never really against it either. I guess I usually find myself in a grey neutral place trying not to judge people too much, and this was the case with animal fur.

But I knew I wouldn't wear it. Never. Not me. And after watching this video (which I didn't entirely...I couldn't) I am pretty much against it. At least against fur coming from Chinese fur farms.

I guess there is a big difference between fur coming from animals being practically tortured to fur coming from animals who are being...how to say it..."well treated"...it's hard to be completely ok with animals being killed, but it's pretty common. For meat, all the time...and we eat it, don't think about it. And I guess that if you kill an animal at least you should get as much as you can from it, including fur if possible. This sounds cruel, but that's the only way this is somehow acceptable.

I struggled with the idea of posting this video on my blog. When I say I couldn't watch all of it, I mean it. I wanted to cry and puke at the same time. It really gets to you.

Maybe posting it is fair to those animals.

Pledge to go fur-free at PETA.org

Ken Lee

Ok- this isn't about making fun of anyone. I am sure I would be ridiculous trying to sing in Bulgarian. But...I MUST admit this video is hilarious! Pretty creative girl Valentina Hassan, actually.

"Without you" is one of the most romantic songs ever...! Mariah Carey's interpretation isn't half bad either

Valentina Hassan's first performance was great. A lot of people made fun of it, including me I admit, but if you don't pay too much attention to the lyrics, you see she's totally in rhythm. Afterwards, she learned the lyrics better

V. Hassan even got her own radio version of "Ken Lee". What a success!!!

Good for her!

yo no sé nada

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rocio - 25. Feb, 11:28
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